Juno – a Roman goddess

In Ancient Roman mythology, Juno carried a dynamic and noteworthy role among the Gods and people in Rome.

Old Romans believed that Juno was the daughter of Saturn and the wife of Jupiter, who was known as the King of Gods.

Together with Minerva and Jupiter, Juno was considered by the Romans as the three original Gods of their city.


A temple was built in their honor at the Capitoline Hill, which is one of the Seven Hills of Rome that is closely linked with eternity.

According to multiple historians, the Romans adopted Juno from the Greek goddess of love and marriage, Hera.

Even though the Romans enjoyed the stories and myths about Hera, they treated some of these stories as unreliable which resulted in them to change her personality.

While the Greeks viewed her as a dangerously-jealous and petty queen, the Romans regarded Juno as the beloved goddess of marriage and were worshipped by Roman women to guide them in their daily undertakings.

Juno is also equipped with a lot of epithets which defined her numerous roles in Ancient mythology as a protector of the Roman people but she is widely recognized for presiding over the aspects of women’s lives.

Among her popular epithets include Juno Sospita which primarily refers to Juno’s duty as a protector of those women who is awaiting the impending birth of their child.

In most cases, Juno Sospita is depicted as someone with goatskin that carries a spear and a shield to protect women from negative spirits. Likewise, Juno Sospita was also the patron Goddess of Lanuvium, which is a popular city located in the southeast of Rome.

Juno Lucina, on the other hand, is another popular role of Juno. It was widely believed that Juno Lucina was responsible for bringing every single child into the light and for ensuring the safety of women during childbirth.

Likewise, Juno Lucina was also regarded to be the one responsible for strengthening a child’s bones. In a temple of Juno Lucina, it was necessary that all the knots in the clothing of a woman should be untied to avoid problems in the delivery.

Facts about Juno

  • Juno was the sister and consort of Jupiter. She was the mother of Vulcan, Hebe, and Mars.
  • The month of June was named after the Roman goddess Juno. Several beliefs say that June is the most favorable month to get married in.
  • Another common epithet of Juno was Juno Moneta which refers to her being the protector of Roman funds. The first Roman coins were minted at the Temple of Juno Moneta for nearly five centuries.
  • The Matronalia is a festival which is dedicated in honor of Juno. The festival which occurs every March 1stprimarily involves husbands presenting their wives with gifts.
  • Apart from the Matronalia, a special ceremony known as the Nonae Caprotinae was held every 7thof July in honor of the Roman goddess, Juno.
  • Other versions of the story say that the Matronalia was in honor of the birthday of Juno’s son, Mars whereas some believe that the festival was a celebration that signaled the end of the Sabine-Roman war in which women assumed an essential part.
  • As Jupiter’s wife, Juno was known to be loyal but also resentful and jealous. She became jealous when Jupiter gave birth to Minerva from his head.
  • The goddess Uni was the Etruscan equivalent to Juno.
  • Where was the Nonae Caprotinae celebrated in?
    The Nonae Caprotinae was celebrated every July 7 under a wild fig tree in the Campus Martius.
  • Who is the Greek equivalent of Juno?
    The goddess Hera is the equivalent of Juno in Greek mythology.
  • Who was the father of Mars?
    According to Ovid, Mars was conceived using the magical flower given by Flora to Juno.
  • What are the popular issues associated with Juno?
    Common issues that were connected with Juno include childbirth, homemaking, and motherhood.