Ancient China Games

Ancient China games were designed for fun and for recreation. Like all ancient civilizations, children and adults played a variety of unique games.

Games in ancient China were created to be played by individuals and by a team of players. Ancient China games were played by men and women as well as boys and girls.

In ancient China people were busy working. Some ancient Chinese people like farmers worked every day. Playing ancient China games were a way for people to relax and have fun.

Board games

Board games were popular in ancient China. There was a variety of board games such as Majong which was played with carved tiles or playing cards.
Majong was originally played with two people. Pai Gow was another popular ancient China game. Pai Gow was played with 32 tiles and was similar to poker.

The most popular board game in ancient China was called Go. This game was played on a square board with white and black pieces named stones.

The object of the game is to occupy more of the board than your opponent. Go was an important game to master and was part of the Four Scholarly Arts.

Card games

Playing cards were invented in ancient China. The first deck of cards contained 30 cards which were color coded with specific symbols. There is not much known about the first card games but they are believed to have been similar to present day rummy.


Children in ancient China played a version of hide-n-seek. The game was played similar as today with one person searching for their hidden opponents.

Team games

Ancient China games included a number of team games. The ancient Chinese invented an early form of soccer which was called cuju. Cuju was played by two teams with the same amount of players on each side.

The object was to place a ball within the bamboo goal which was set in the middle of the field. Another ancient China game that involved teams was called Jiju.
Jiju was an early form of polo. Teams of players rode horses while hitting a ball with a mallet shaped stick. Both of these games were played by women and men.


Diabolo was a game played by an individual person in ancient China. Diabolo is a piece of wood or bamboo that hollow in the center. The diabolo was placed on a string or rope and children would try to rotate the diabolo at high speeds.

While the diabolo rotated on the string it would make numerous noises. Diabolo was an early form of spinning tops in ancient China.

Important facts about ancient China games

  • Ancient China games were played inside and outdoors.
  • The ancient Chinese invented the first deck of playing cards.
  • The first deck of playing cards contained 30 cards which were color coded in suits with symbols.
  • Ancient China games were played by all people including men, women, boys and girls.
  • Hide-n-seek was a popular outdoor game for children.
  • Go was the most popular board game in ancient China and was included in the Four Scholarly Arts.
  • Jiju was an early form of polo invented by the ancient Chinese.
  • An early form of soccer named cujo was invented by the ancient Chinese.



1. What was a popular outdoor ancient China game for children?


2. What modern game was cuju similar to in ancient China?


3. What board game in ancient China was included in the Four Scholarly Arts?


4. Pai Gow was what type of ancient China game?

Board game