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Welcome to out section on World History here you’ll find amazing information on History that will really help you with homework and in class. Have a look at the Greek History section see what people I ancient Greece done in their daily lives.

In Roman History you can read about Circus Maximus and chariot racing. In the Egyptian section you can find amazing information on Daily Life, the Pharaohs and even Battles. We hope you enjoy reading the wonderful stories and learn something to share with others.

Ancient Africa

Africa is a huge continent and has contained many different cultures and civilizations.

Archeologists believe that the earliest of human development happened in parts of Africa and there are cave paintings in Africa that are thousands of years old. Unlike some continents, Africa has a variety of people, countries, and even geography.

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Ancient China

China is in the eastern part of the Asian continent and since it can be traced back to over 4,000 years, it is one of the world’s oldest civilizations.

For many years in its history, China was made up of smaller regions, each one ruled by its own lord. Many of the lords were cruel, often battling with each other and leaving the people in poverty conditions.

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Ancient Egypt

Lasting over 3,000 years (3150 BC to 30 BC), ancient Egypt is thought to be one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world.

The main reason that ancient Egypt was so successful was because of their location close to the Nile River. Ancient Egyptians established their rule in the northeastern area of Africa and became very experienced in growing so many crops and using advanced irrigation methods.

Each year the Nile would flood and overflow its banks, and this brought rich, fertile soil to the fields. The Nile also gave Ancient Egyptians a way to travel, and that allowed them to build ships to transport people, building materials, and trade items.

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Ancient Greece

This civilization in the Mediterranean was created over 4,000 years ago and was of such importance that the Roman Empire based much of their culture on Ancient Greece.

It was most powerful when Alexander the Great was the ruler, as they had conquered a lot a Western Asia and Europe. The Ancient Greeks perfected so many things that they are the base of much of our Western culture.

Almost everything in science, mathematics, government, art, philosophy, literature and sports were originally created in Ancient Greece.

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Ancient Mesopotamia

This single location is believed to be the “Cradle of Civilization”. It is where so many things began such as the wheel, farming the first written records, counting systems, and astronomy. Mesopotamia is the first place that people gathered to build larger cities and then established governments and laws. Research shows that Mesopotamia was the center for artists, politics, and scientific inventions; and we can give credit to the geniuses of the time for many of the things we use and take for granted today.

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Ancient Rome

Thought to be one of the most important and powerful civilizations to have ever existed in most of Europe, Ancient Rome was successful for almost 1,000 years.

The fact that Rome conquered much of Europe also means that many of those countries adopted the culture of Ancient Rome. The influence has been so great that we see the results in many of today’s functions, including language, literature, methods of building, engineering, and government.

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Middle Ages

The Middle Ages are also called the Medieval Times.

This was a period in European history that lasted 1,000 years, from 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D. Historians begin figuring the time from the fall of the Roman Empire to the point where the Ottoman Empire rose up.

This was an era of castles, kings, peasants, cathedrals, crusades, and religious monasteries. We know some of the stories that involve such famous people as Joan of Arc, but others also include the Black Plague which killed a huge portion of the population.

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Islamic Empire

The beginning of the Islamic Empire is around 610 C.E. and continued until the Ottoman Empire fell in 1924. This time was a growth of both the Islamic religion and the empire itself as they expanded in advancements in science and had an excellent economy.

This was all going on as the Europeans were going through the dark ages. The failing of Europe gave the Islamic Empire the chance to grow and prosper and as a religion, Islam spread into the cultures of North Africa and the Middle East.

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The word “renaissance” means “rebirth” and it is the time period in Europe that covers the 4th to the 17th centuries.

When the fall of the Roman Empire occurred and the Middle Ages began, many of the advancements that had been made during the Roman and Greek empires were lost. This included art, government, music, education, and science.

This fall is referred to as the “Dark Ages” because the detailed information that the Romans were noted for stopped happening. In other words, communication went dark.

The dawn of the Renaissance brought Europe out of the dark and became a time of rebirth of all that had been lost as well as a better life for many of the people.

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The Aztec Empire that we are familiar with was in Central Mexico. However, the people actually traveled all throughout Mexico for nearing 200 years before they decided to settle in 1400 in the central Mexican region around Lake Texcoco.

They were an ingenious people that became engineers of their environment, learning to make use of the natural elements around them, they built huge cities, created dams, and farmed the land for food.

Where once the Aztecs had originally settled peacefully, this changed as they began to conquer the tribes around them. As they grew more powerful they required other tribes to pay tribute by giving them clothing, goods, food, and even captives and slaves for the gods that they worshipped.

The Aztecs were feared because they believed in human sacrifice and as their civilization grew, so did their demand for more land and power.

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The Mayan civilization was located in the region of Central America that currently makes up the Yucatan Peninsula, southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and northern El Salvador.

They began their culture around 2000 B.C. and had a strong Mesoamerican presence for over 3,000 years. They created powerful city-states including Tikal, El Mirador, Chichen Itza, Caracol, and Uxmal.

They were masters of making use of the natural substances around them, including building large stone structures and pyramids to their gods.

Mayans are noted for being the only civilization in the Americas to create their own written language. They were very advanced in art, architecture, mathematics, and astronomy.
While most civilizations had a central government, the Mayans had a collection of smaller city-states, each one responsible for its own rule.

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The Incan Empire created a society that had its center in Peru, but expanded over much of the South American west coast.

From the 1400’s until the Spanish arrived and took them over, their cities and social structure was designed so that all people had homes, a job, and food.

They accomplished this without a writing system, wheel, or iron tools and yet had a well-designed government and road system.

The Sapa Inca was the emperor, with Manco Capac as the first Sapa Inca and founder nearing 1200 A.D. It’s believed that at the height of the Incan Empire, they had a population of nearing 10 million people.

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French Revolution

The French Revolution lasted for the ten year period of 1789-1799. It started on what is now known as Bastille Day, July 14, 1789, when the people stormed the Bastille prison in protest.

The revolution was an overthrow of a government that operated so that only the wealthy, including church leaders and nobles, benefited while the poor paid higher and higher taxes and lived in poverty.

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World War 1

World War I began in 1914 and continued to the end in 1918. It is the first time that so many countries gathered together in battle and it is also known as the War to End all Wars, the Great War, WW I, and the First World War.

The countries participating were referred to as the Central Powers, which included Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire; and the Allied Powers, which included France, Britain, Russia and later in 1917, the United States.

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World War 2

World War II is considered to be the deadliest war that has happened, killing over 70 million people.

The war was between countries that formed two groups: the “Allies” which consisted of the Allied Powers of Britain, France, China, Russia and the United States and the “Axis” Powers which consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan.

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Cold War

The Cold War is defined as the period of time after World War II ended in 1945 and the Soviet Union began to spread communism, causing tension between Western World democracies until it ended in 1991.

Although it wasn’t an actual “war”, it created a number of smaller conflicts including the arms race, the space race, and proxy wars. The United States and the Soviet Union became known as “super powers”.

The U.S. led the Western World countries that were aligned with them and the Soviet Union led the Eastern European counties that it had taken over.

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