The Greater Siren is an amphibian that is like an eel and is found in North America.
What Does the Greater Siren Look Like?
The Greater Siren is an amphibian that has gills and small lungs their whole life. They don’ have eyelids and have a protection that goes across their eyes.
The Greater Siren can get up to 38 inches and is considered one of the longest amphibians that lives. They can even weigh up to 35 ounces.
The color of the Greater Siren varies, and they can be green or grey and have small green or yellow dots on their sides. Younger Sirens have a light stripe that runs across their sides.
The Greater Siren has front legs and four toes, and they are mostly hidden by their gills.
Where Does the Greater Siren Live?
The Greater Siren lives in areas of Florida, Alabama, Washington D.C. and more.
They like wetlands and prefer living in areas that are thick with plants and in moist areas. If the wetland becomes dry, the Greater Siren will then burrow underground into the mud.
Behavior of the Greater Siren
The Greater Siren is nocturnal which means they are most active at night. They can live up to 25 years if they are pets and live in an aquarium, but it is unsure how long they can live in the wild.
The Greater Siren makes a sound that sounds like a yelp and is similar to the call of the American Tree Frog.
The Greater Siren can hibernate for years if they have to and they also are known to burrow under the ground so that can hibernate and be protected.
What Does the Greater Siren Eat?
The Greater Siren eats insects that are invertebrates and other small mammals that are vertebrates such as fish and mollusks. They also are known to eat vegetation.
Finding a Mate
No one really knows how they find a mate, but this usually happens in February and in March. The mother will keep a hold of her eggs until they hatch. It takes around 2 months for the eggs to hatch.
Predator of the Greater Siren
The predator of the Greater Siren is the mud snake and the alligator.
Facts About the Greater Siren:
- The Greater Siren that is younger will live in more shallow water than the adult Greater Sirens.
- Many of the Greater Sirens live around aquatic plants and roots of plants.
- The Greater Siren look similar to an eel.
- One Greater Siren hibernated for over 5 years.
- Some Greater Sirens make a clicking sound.
What Did You Learn?
- What is the Greater Siren? The Greater Siren is a salamander that is found in parts of North America.
- What is interesting about the Greater Siren? The Greater Siren has legs but they are hidden and so it looks long and like an eel.
- What does the Greater Siren eat? The Greater Siren eats things such as insects, snails, mollusks and other small animals.
- Where does the Greater Siren live? The Greater Siren lives in North America and is known to live in areas that are wet like wetlands or other water areas. If the wetlands dry up, the Greater Siren will burrow underground into the mud.
- Who is the biggest predator of the Greater Siren? The alligator is the biggest predator of the Greater Siren.