Weather Instruments

Weather instruments are important to help people and scientists to study weather.  Here is a list of weather instruments that can help you to know more about weather!

  • Thermometer-A thermometer helps to measure how hot or cold it is outside.  The scale shows the actual temperature of what the weather is.

Modern aneroid barometer

    • Barometer-A barometer measure how much pressure is in the air.  When a barometer rises, it means that it should be dry and sunny.  When it falls, it means cool and cloudy.
    • Sling Psychrometer-A sling psychrometer helps to measure humidity.  It uses evaporation to make this happen.
    • Rain gauge-A rain gauge measure how much rain has fallen over a long period of time. This instrument collects the rain and you can measure it.
    • Weathervane-A weathervane helps to tell wind direction.  It moves in the direction that the wind is blowing.
    • Anemometer-An anemometer measure how fast the wind is blowing.  It has a dial that turns to show the wind speed.


    • Windsock-A windsock looks like a giant sock and it captures the wind so that it can show which direction the wind is blowing.
    • Weather map-A weather map helps to tell the conditions of the weather such as air pressure, and meteorologist use these to help predict the weather.
    • Hygrometer-A hygrometer helps to measure water vapor or humidity in the atmosphere.
    • Weather balloon-a weather balloon measure how the air pressure is moving.
    • Compass-A compass helps to figure out which direction a storm is headed in.

 weather satellite of the meteorological-satellite service

  • Weather Satellite-A weather satellite helps to track the weather so that scientists can know what the weather holds.
  • Snow Gauge-A snow gauge helps to measure how much snow an area has.
  • Pyranometer-A pyranometer measure how much sun is hitting the Earth.
  • Ceilometer-this tool helps to measure the cloud from the base to the top.
  • Lightning Detectors-A lightning detector helps to detect lightning.