Bacteria are classified by different factors such as nutrition, growth, their cell wall and even their shape.
Because there are thousands of bacteria, classifying them is hard work.
Domain Bacteria
Bacteria are found in almost all environments and on any surface, from rocks to soil and from oceans to inside of animals.
There are millions and even trillions of bacteria that are found in the human body.
One type of bacteria is called cyanobacteria. These types of bacteria are blue and green, and this is because they have chlorophyll and with their chlorophyll, they make their food through photosynthesis.
Cell Walled Bacteria
Bacteria are sometimes group into gram positive and gram-negative bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria have a plasma membrane, outer membrane, plasma and peptide and gram-positive bacteria have a plasma membrane, plasma and peptide.
The gram-positive bacteria are purple because they have a thick cell wall. Gram-negative bacteria have a red color because they have a thin cell wall.
Archaea Bacteria
Archaea bacteria are bacteria that are usually found inside animals and humans and sometimes in really hot places like hot springs.
They like high heat, salt and acid. They live all over the earth and help carbon to cycle in the earth.
Parts of the Bacteria Cell
Bacteria have cells but they do not have a nucleus. They have nine parts of the cell, the capsula, outer membrane, periplasm wall, cytoplasmic membrane, cytoplasm, ribosome, reserve food supplies, chromosomes and mesosomes.
Facts About Bacteria:
- Bacteria live all over the world.
- Not all bacteria is dangerous or bad.
- Some bacteria are helpful.
- Bacteria work hard to help break down dead plants and animals in the soil.
- Bacteria helps to make food such as yogurt, cheese and pickles.
- Bacteria in our bodies help to break down food.
What Did You Learn?
- What are bacteria? Bacteria are tiny organisms that are all around us, on the ground, in the soil, in nature and in our bodies.
- Where do bacteria live? Bacteria live in all environments and all over the world.
- Do all bacteria cause diseases? All bacteria do not cause diseases, some are actually very useful and help with things like digestion and decomposition.
- Why are cyanobacteria greenish blue? Cyanobacteria are greenish blue because they have chlorophyll, which gives them the green color.
- What is important about bacteria that have chlorophyll? The bacteria that have chlorophyll make food through photosynthesis.
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