Hoary Edge Skipper

The Hoary Edge Skipper is a small butterfly that is found in eastern Northern America.

What Does the Hoary Edge Skipper Look Like?

The Hoary Edge Skipper butterfly is a butterfly that is greyish white and the edges of the butterfly have specific coloring on its back wings.  This butterfly also has brown and orange patches and some of them have a row of yellow in the center of its wings.

Some of the Hoary Edge Skippers have a color of blue, black and white on the back wings.

The Hoary Edge Skipper only gets about 1.5 inches long.

Hoary Edge Skipper

Where Does the Hoary Edge Skipper Live?

The Hoary Edge lives in Eastern United States including Connecticut, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia.

The habitat of the Hoary Edge Skipper is that it lives in woodlands, forests both coniferous and deciduous, near soil or sand.

When is the Hoary Edge Skipper Most Active?

The Hoary Edge Skipper is most active during April to September.

What Does the Hoary Edge Skipper Eat?

The Hoary Edge Skipper caterpillar eats from the tickseed plant and from the pea family plants.

The adult Hoary Edge Skipper drinks nectar from flowering plants in its area.

More Facts About the Hoary Edge Skipper:

  • The Hoary Edge Skipper is named because “Hoary” means greyish white and this is the coloring of this butterfly.
  • The Hoary Edge Skipper is in the moth and butterfly classification.
  • The Hoary Edge Skipper is similar to the Silver-spotted Skipper but it is different because it is smaller and has a frosty spot unlike the Hoary Edge.
  • It is a myth that seeing a Hoary Edge Skipper means that it will be a good or lucky day.

What Did You Learn?

What is the Hoary Edge Skipper?
The Hoary Edge Skipper is a butterfly that is found in much of the Eastern North America.

What kind of habitat does the Hoary Edge Skipper live in?
The Hoary Edge Skipper enjoys living in areas that are forests, woodlands and near soil and sand.

What does the Hoary Edge Skipper eat?
The Hoary Edge Skipper drinks nectar from flowering plants.

How did the Hoary Edge Skipper get its name?
Hoary is a word that means greyish white.

What butterfly is the Hoary Edge Skipper like?
The Hoary Edge Skipper sometimes gets confused with the Silver-Spotted Skipper.

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