Delaware Skipper

The Delaware Skipper is a butterfly that is found in North America and in Canada.

This butterfly is a member of the grass skipper family.

Delaware Skipper

What Does the Delaware Skipper Look Like?

The Delaware Skipper is yellowish orange and has a black border on its wings.

You can also see brown veins that are on the wings and the borders are on the edges of the front and the back wings.

Under the Delaware Skipper, you will see a yellowish orange coloring and only a very small brown border on the front wings.

The Delaware Skipper is a small butterfly and only gets around 4.3 centimeters long.

Where Does the Delaware Skipper Live?

Delaware Skipper Butterfly

The Delaware Skipper lives in North America and in Canada.  It has been found in Canadian provinces such as Ontario and other areas.

The Delaware Skipper lives in areas that are moist. They like marshes and grassy lands.  They also are more likely to be found in areas that are warmer.

When is the Delaware Skipper Active?

Delaware Skipper Butterfly

The Delaware Skipper is most active in February through October in the warmer climates and in the summer in other areas.

What Does the Delaware Skipper Eat?

Delaware Skipper Butterfly

The Delaware Skipper likes to drink nectar from flowers such as the milkweed, thistles and mountain mints.

The caterpillar of the Delaware Skipper eats bluestem grasses and switchgrasses.

Finding a Mate

The Delaware Skipper will wait in areas that are open to find a female.  The female Delaware Skipper will lay only one egg at a time.

Once the eggs hatch, the caterpillar will eat and then use leaves around it to make nests.

Delaware Skipper Facts for Kids

  • The Delaware Skipper likes to drink nectar from different plants but its favorite are pink and white flowers.
  • The Delaware Skipper has been found close to the Great Lakes and in states that are warmer such as Florida and Texas.
  • The female Delaware Skipper is darker in coloring than the male.
  • The female Delaware Skipper will lay its eggs on the leaves of plants or trees.

What Did You Learn?

What is the Delaware Skipper?
The Delaware Skipper is a butterfly that is found in North America and Canada.

Where does the Delaware Skipper live?
The Delaware Skipper lives in areas that are moist such as in wetlands and areas with grasses.

What does the Delaware Skipper eat?
The caterpillar of the Delaware Skipper eats different leaves such as bluestem and switchgrasses.  The adult butterfly likes to drink nectar from different plants such as milkweed, but pink and white flowering plants are its favorite.

What family is the Delaware Skipper from?
The Delaware Skipper is from the grass skipper family.

How big does the Delaware Skipper get?
The Delaware Skipper gets around 1.5 inches long.

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